Enriching Ministries and Seminars

Book Studies

ABCS of Faith

A course of 26 sessions, ABCs covers what every Christian should know. It connects Bible study with an overview of Christian theology. It engages participants in thinking through the 26 topics and responding to carefully chosen questions. Ideal for small group study and sharing. Uses the text and workbook.

Women of Faith

This course studies over ten key women featured in the Bible, five drawn from the Old Testament and a few more than five from the New Testament. Participants study what the Bible says about each woman and use their imaginations to deepen their understanding of them. Designed for small-group study. Uses the text and workbook.


Amazing Antioch

Antioch, the third-largest city in the Roman Empire, became a center for Christian learning in the first century and the place where followers of Jesus were first called “Christians.” What was so important about this City for the earliest Christian movement? And how did the followers of Jesus take the initiative to reach out to their neighbors? What lessons can we learn from them today? Six talks make up this course.

Life-Long Lessons From Ephesians

Six studies about Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians open this important book to participants. Paul emphasizes the place of the Church in God’s plan for salvation. Against this backdrop, Paul gives Christians some insights into how they should relate to one another.

The Letters of Paul to Some Friends

This set of lectures examines the letters of Paul to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. It looks at the relationships that bound the Apostle to his friends and the importance of their roles in the early Christian movement. Four lectures.

The Revelation – It’s Message for Today

The Revelation of John is perhaps the most enigmatic book in the New Testament. It is not a road map to the future, and it is not a giant puzzle. It contains an urgent message for every generation of Christians about God and His creation. And about the duty of Christians to engage their world. Six lectures.

The Bible – What’s It All About?

These ten talks provide an overview of the whole of the Bible and emphasize the unity of the Scriptures. This unity is found in the call of Abraham and includes the history of Israel and the phenomenal work of the prophets. It also proceeds through the coming of Jesus and his commission of the Church.

Survey Courses

These courses are offered through the Stanton Institute of the Diocese of Dallas. Courses may be taken for credit, or audited, either in person or on-line.

Introduction to the Old Testament

An overview of the Old Testament, emphasizing the content of its 37 books, methods of study, and place in the worship and theology of the Church. Investigates the nature of the Torah (Law), the Prophets, the Wisdom Literature, the Psalms, and the Apocalyptic literature and how these increase our understanding of Jesus and his ministry.

Introduction to the New Testament

This course examines the 29 books of the New Testament. It focuses on Jesus and the formation of the Gospels, the history of the early Christian movement as reflected in the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles, and the impact of these on the mission and pastoral care of the Church.

Introduction to the Creeds

The Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed both occupy a central place in the Christian Church today. This course examines the history and use of each. It investigates the coherence of each and the implications of the creeds for Christian thought through the ages.

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